воскресенье, 10 декабря 2017 г.

Uma Thurman commented on the situation with Harvey Weinstein Ума Турман прокомментировала ситуацию с Харви Вайнштейном

Original news

Sur Instagram, Uma Thurman a publié un article dans lequel elle a félicité tous ses disciples le jour de Thanksgiving. "Je suis reconnaissant que je sois vivant, reconnaissant envers tous ceux que j'aime, et je suis également reconnaissant à tous ceux qui ont trouvé la force d'intercéder pour les autres." Dans le texte, l'actrice a utilisé le hashtag #metoo ("moi aussi"), qui dit que son auteur a été victime de violence ... Ce qui est vrai ou non, quand cela arrive, cela vaut la peine de sympathiser avec les deux parties. Bien que ce soit difficile! Merci à l'actrice pour ses mots d'aide dans une telle chose!
In Instagram, Uma Thurman published a post in which she congratulated all her followers on Thanksgiving Day. "I am grateful that I am alive, thankful to everyone I love, and I am also grateful to everyone who has found the strength to intercede for others." In the text, the actress used the hashtag #metoo ("me too"), which says that her author was a victim of violence ... What is true or not, when this happens it is worth sympathizing with both sides. Although this is difficult! Thank you to the actress for her words of help in such a thing!
In Instagram, Uma Thurman published a post in which she congratulated all her followers on Thanksgiving Day. "I am grateful that I am alive, thankful to everyone I love, and I am also grateful to everyone who has found the strength to intercede for others." In the text, the actress used the hashtag #metoo ("me too"), which says that her author was a victim of violence ... What is true or not, when this happens it is worth sympathizing with both sides. Although this is difficult! Thank you to the actress for her words of help in such a thing!

В Instagram Ума Турман опубликовала пост, в котором поздравила всех своих фолловеров с Днем благодарения. «Я благодарна, что жива, благодарна всем, кого люблю, а также благодарна всем, кто нашел в себе силы заступиться за других». В тексте актриса использовала хештег #metoo («я тоже»), который говорит о том, что его автор стала жертвой насилия...
Что же правда или нет, когда подобное происходит стоит сочувствовать обеим сторонам. Хотя это сложно! Спасибо вам актриса за слова помощи в подобном деле!

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