Original news
Tired of waiting for six months wages and the upcoming bankruptcy of the plant, a group of workers are forced to take a desperate step. Led by a former Special Forces soldier, nicknamed Sedoy (Denis Shvedov), they kidnap and take local oligarch Kalugin (Andrei Smolyakov) hostage. However, the billionaire assistants are not going to sit on their hands: specialists armed to the teeth, they will stop at nothing to pull out their master. However, unlike them, Sedomu and the hard workers have nothing more to lose ...An excellent movie with pleasant parameters by all, and in the spirit of what works of the world we will understand after watching.
Tired of waiting for six months wages and the upcoming bankruptcy of the plant, a group of workers are forced to take a desperate step. Led by a former Special Forces soldier, nicknamed Sedoy (Denis Shvedov), they kidnap and take local oligarch Kalugin (Andrei Smolyakov) hostage. However, the billionaire assistants are not going to sit on their hands: specialists armed to the teeth, they will stop at nothing to pull out their master. However, unlike them, Sedomu and the hard workers have nothing more to lose ...An excellent movie with pleasant parameters by all, and in the spirit of what works of the world we will understand after watching.
Устав ждать полгода зарплаты и предстоящего банкротства завода, группа рабочих вынуждена пойти на отчаянный шаг. Во главе с бывшим спецназовцем по прозвищу Седой (Денис Шведов) они похищают и захватывают в заложники местного олигарха Калугина (Андрей Смоляков). Однако подручные миллиардера не собираются сидеть сложа руки: вооруженные до зубов специалисты, они не остановятся ни перед чем, чтобы вытащить своего хозяина. Однако, в отличие от них, Седому и работягам больше нечего терять...
Отличное кино с приятными параметрами всеми, а в духе каких работ мировых поймём после просмотра.
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