МОСКВА, 6 авг — РИА Новости. Первой чемпионкой Олимпиады-2016 в Бразилии стала американская спортсменка Вирджиния Трэшер. Комплект медалей был разыгран в стрельбе из пневматической винтовки с дистанции 10 метров.
The first champion of the 2016 Olympics in Brazil became the American sportswoman Virginia Thrasher . Set of medals was played in air rifle shooting from a distance of 10 meters
The first champion of the 2016 Olympics in Brazil became the American sportswoman Virginia Thrasher . Set of medals was played in air rifle shooting from a distance of 10 meters
Пока узнаем успешные выступления некоторых спортсменов. Кто лидер уже, а к обеим не станет.
until we learn the success of the first athletes and who will not be able to lead the medal race
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